Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Floral Pattern Problem Solved

I'll be from Florence, the City of Flowers-who's famous textile manufacturer's were making floral patterns on silk and wool!!!!
I didn't note where i read that. I have been up since 2:30am. At 3:30 I turned on computer and started reading about skirt construction. I still haven't cut the skirt.
Now it's 5:12 am on Wednesday. I have a coffee date at 10:30 and the daycare might call me today for the third interview. I fingerprinted yesterday. Looks like I'm in the running for this job. But back to sewing. FORGET VENICE. I'm going to be from Florence. Now to go cut the skirt.

Q: rectangles or gores(which I learned are trapizoids-smaller at the top and bigger at the bottom.)

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