Monday, May 5, 2008

notes to me

The bodice post is done.
I have finished the skirt pleating and adjustments. I had it all pleated to the bodice and was looking at the home stretch. When I realized that there was going to be an extra foot of skirt leftover. no room to pleat it to the bodice. I posted a forum to Ren Forum and now I can't open it.
I need assistance in how to finish this skirt.
maybe I'll post something here and on the things I can open. But for now, the sewing sits there as I contemplate the meaning of this delay. Also, I may be getting a full time job soon and I am looking at my house and changing my priorities.
ONE month later:
Instead of erasing that first part, consider this:
The reason I couldn't get in, is that the Ren forum has some kind of melt down. They set up house somewhere else, I figured it out, the ladies chimed in with their usual excellent advice and I resolved the pleat issue. Stacking the box pleats that were left over.
The job hasn't materialized and I have since finished the dress. Pictures are in the May 30th Post titled, FINISHED (practically)Venetian 2008.

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