It’s hours later. I have FINISHED THE EYELETS. All 24 of them. I put the Camicia on, then the rope petticote over it, and then the gown, on myself. Problems insued: camicia neckline too big.kept falling off shoulders, camicia sleeves to long and open, kept getting in way of hands. Dress: straps and lacing is behind me, I can’t reach it.
Solution: I put the gown on backwards. That’s right, backwards. My uneven shoulder heights are more of a concern than bosom/back ratio. It worked like a charm. I was able to lace myself up and postition the straps for permanent placement. I could bring the waist in 3″ total. 1 1/2″ on each side. I planned for that, but abandoned it when sewing the eyelets. I think the blue is too bulky and I didn’t want to cut it.
I will make the waist smaller somehow, permanently attach the straps, now that I see I can drop the dress over my head with one side laced up already and try it on frontways.
Later that same day. I can’t make the waist any smaller because of the eyelets being sewn right on top of the fold over part. The straps are driving me buggy! I finally put the dress on the dress form, which doesn’t fit it. i tightened the waist lacing on both sides so the bottom of bodice would rest on hips and hold the dress up so I can adjust the straps. NO!
it just isn’t comoing together. I’m going to work on something else.
How do you get the cartridge pleated camicia to stay put. it keeps loosening up. Twice I have sewn it and it’s still to big of a neck opening. What am I doing wrong? I had no trouble with the skirt cartridge pleats.Of course they were bigger and I sewed them down individually. I’m not doing that on the camicia. How did I anchor them? Oh, yes, I had to divide them between front and back of bodice. The camicia neck is a circle. But I am considering after looking at pictures just now, of sewing it down in 4 separate pieces. 2 sleeves, front and back. 3/2008: I added 1/2"elastic to shoulders. The front and back are still huge after yet another attempt to gather them tight. But the bodice/corset will keep it in place, that is why I only put elastic in the shoulders.
It is the next day, I have RE made the neck line for the 1000th time. I’m stillnot happy with it. If I get it low where I want it in the front, it falls off the shoulders, if I get tighten it up, the underarms are too tight. I can’t get a middle ground.
Right now, the camicia in on the dress form with the gown over it and laces tied. I have pinned the position for ME on the straps, so I don’t need the dress form to fit there, i think. It is easier to adjust them there than on a flat table. I want to adjust how the camicia sits under the gown, but the laces are too tight. When I stood back to look at, the front is crooked. the back is not centered. that has to be fixed before i do the straps. So I panicked and now I’m sitting here eating lunch and typing. The thought of me walking around in that dress is terrifying. What was I thinking? My belly hurts and my head is spinning.
It’s the night of the 12th. I have taken out all the stitching AGAIN on the camicia neckline. I tried the dress on me, and Paul helped postion the straps. I will go sew them down and hope that ends the strap catastrophe. PLAN THE ENTIRE BODICE BEFORE STARTING. What a horrid day.
I have the trim to sew down from when I re-did the bodice from the top edge. NEVER DO THAT AGAIN. Remember, DO NOT ATTACH THE SKIRT UNTILL YOU GET THE BODICE COMPLETELY FITTED AND FINISHED.
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