Above left: inner lining face up with temporary lacing strips basted on. Center: back of corset on dress form. Right: close up of lacing strip. Note how pattern curves out at the bottom and bone is straight. I laid the lacing strip just to the right of the bone, where the permanent eyelets will be sewn.
I ran out of cable ties. I am 4 short. I cut the Zip end off with my hubbies 'dykes', diagonal cutters. He's an electrician and builds things out of wood as a hobby. He has a basement full of stuff. The last gown I made has cable ties as bones, which I swiped from downstairs. This time I wanted to follow directions more closely and see if I could make a real corset.
I haven't cut the tabs yet.
It's the next day. I got up early and cut out the front cover from 3 pieces

I am going to the hardware store to buy grommets. I"m looking for 1/2" tarp grommets. I saw a picture on a site of a corset that closed with hooks and eyes. My own modern corset closes that way, so does my waist cincher. MMMM?
I bought 5/16th's inch grommets. Paul cut the holes in them for me. I couldn't hit the cutter with the hammer hard enough to make a hole in the canvas. I made lacing strips and basted them to the corset. I didn't put the fold on the edge of the corset per directions as it would have put them right on top of the first bone. I placed them just on the inside of the first bone where the permanent eyelets will be sewn. Paul laced me up and I wore it around the house for about an hour. I don't know how to stand properly, it feels like it is sliding down and the back looks funny in the mirror. I can't see it clearly enough to know what's going on. I NEED A GIRLFRIEND. But that's another story. The corset turns out at the bottom and I laid the lacing strip straight, like the bone. When it's tied, the bottom two tabs cross each other. I looked for images and info but couldn't find any. I'm just going to finish this thing my own way from here on out. I can't understand the final instructions. I'll put this on the dummy and photograph it.
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