Thursday, February 28, 2008


These posts will be about mediation and other spiritual matters. I don't want to load myspace or facebook up with this as I think it will make me look self-righteous. I'm putting it here instead of my private blog because I think somebody,,,,just maybe....will read this and want to talk about the subject with me. I'd like to know how it goes with you?
I just finished a class on the book 'The Power of Now', E. Tolle. We enjoyed each others company and want to keep in touch for the book thing March third. We exchanged emails and will write the day after to discuss how it's going. I like that church. Paul and I were married there 30 years ago. We went there until our first born was needing to be christened. We had her christened at Unity, but my in-laws really preferred it was the Catholic church. We acquiesced and started attending Paul childhood church with his parents. I'm just now going back to Unity. It's something I can do MYSELF.
I'm doing the IAM integrated Amrita meditation technique. I learned it in Ann Arbor at an AMMA Center. I did the 21 days and continue to do it each morning with only a few skips. Here are some of my comments and questions about it.
I am looking forward to the refresher in April. I have a bunch of questions about position and breathing. I try not to let the fact that I may not be doing it perfectly distract me. That's just another trick of my ego to keep me out of the present.
Being silent: Man, that's hard. Even when I feel quiet and present, my mind is talking. Saying instructive words and reminding me to let go of thoughts and come back to center. I have practiced many techniques learned over a lifetime to stay present. Even if it's directing me to my purpose, it's interfering with it at the same time. I'd like to hear your comments.
The Shavasana, is it the same as the Corpse Pose? I feel lumpy in that position, like my back won't lay flat, my legs are too crooked, neck bent. I suppose as my muscles get stronger and I become more relaxed it will take care of itself.
That's about it for now. This is much more productive than whining about problems in my private blog.

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